We can become...

a community deeply connected to its rivers.

Add your voice to a vision that celebrates Golden’s river corridor and invests in a liveable, prosperous community.

The Canyon to Confluence Initiative

The Canyon to Confluence Initiative is an effort to bring to life an integrated vision for how the community of Golden interacts with, protects, and celebrates the section of the Kicking Horse river that passes through town - from canyon to the Columbia confluence.

It’s an initiative of the Golden Community Economic Development Society, but we want it to be led, championed, and shaped by Golden's residents. Every citizen in the community is invited to be engaged by bringing their voice and vision to the project. We’ll be supported by expert advice, but the goal is a community-generated plan.

It’s our town, and it’s our future. Don’t miss the chance to join in!

The Project

We see the opportunity to invest in our community’s future by nurturing a relationship with the river ecosystem that protects and restores Golden’s natural assets while enhancing the social and economic liveability for all residents.

The C2Ci is currently at an early stage, preparing to take an initial vision to the community so it can be further developed. The specifics of a plan - as in, exactly what could be protected, developed, and how - are still to be determined, and will take more definite shape via public engagement and guided by collaborative management and expert input.

So far, the C2Ci has laid out project principles, design objectives, and guiding values - the broad goals that could be achieved and the spirit and commitment that informs everything to come.

Map of C2Ci improvement area

Project principles and design objectives:

  • Improve accessibility and inclusivity to a shared community resource
  • Preserve, protect, and restore ecosystem integrity and natural value
  • Generate sustainable recreation and tourism opportunities
  • Enhance safety and function of trails, infrastructure, and community spaces
  • Champion a sustainable community resource legacy for future generations
  • Develop diverse business opportunities and sustainable service delivery
  • Support healthy citizens and increased liveability for all ages
  • Celebrate our ecological and cultural heritage

Guiding Values

Safety & Function

Addressing infrastructure and service delivery improvements, creating reliable, safe access and managing asset risk.

Sustainability & Environmental Protection

Prioritizing restoration, preservation, and wise stewardship of ecosystems and natural values for land, water, creatures, and people.

History & Legacy

Honouring and celebrating indigenous and cross-cultural heritage, being forward-thinking and generous towards future generations.

Integrated & Inclusive

Connecting and including the varied needs of a dynamic community, inspiring a liveable, balanced, and accessible shared community space.

Generative & Innovative

Driving diverse social, recreation, economic, and tourism opportunities, while sharing healthy community prosperity.

Where We're At

Fall 2024

Public engagement session and online survey.

Early 2025

Summary report of what we heard from our public launch and engagement.

Spring/Summer 2025

C2Ci continues to collaborate and build capacity to generate a plan for the river corridor and projects within the overall vision.

Fall 2025

BC Rivers Day - September 20, 2025

Join our second celebration of Golden's rivers and provide input on where we're at.

The Big Picture Timeline

The C2Ci is a long-term initiative. Material changes are not expected to be underway for 5+ years. Project maturity is not expected for 15+ years.

Phase 1 (2024 - 2025)

Coordinate a community-generated vision for the river corridor.

Phase 2 (2025 - 2027)

Develop and resource a sustainable service delivery plan that supports realizing the vision.

Phase 3 (2025 - 2040)

Coordinate and manage the gradual execution of the plan.

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